Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Please disregard personal info...

I am currently posting for three blogs and with the new blogger I am trying to figure out all of the details. Currently my smart-alek comments from my personal blog are strong-arming any other info so it looks like I'm writing from Winchestertonfieldville...oops. If you'd like the background on that, please visit:
Archive March 2006

I bless you today with FINANCIAL WISDOM!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

I FOUND it!!!

I don't know how, but somehow I've regained acces to our pretty, pretty princess site - WHEE!! I figure all of this new stuff out eventually, but right now I just wanna POST!

Okay...since we've sort of adjusted our format there won't really be so much of a need to post our comments about the weekly meetings (though we have decided that the book does NOT include ten questions Shaina would ask her gynecologist). However, I think I could still come up with a few choice comments on our growth and ministry.

Alrighty, I'm outta here for now...be blessed with peace and joy today!