Sunday, April 1, 2007

Fast...and be Merry

So, in the last month three of us have stepped into new realms of fasting: we've either gone on to extended bouts of hunger, or are obediently practicing the discipline for the first time. I'm really interested to hear how it went, what God did, is doing, will do in everyone's lives.

It's been an interesting week for me. As with the last time I fasted, it seemed as if "nothing happened" during the fast itself. However, the ground work had been laid for God to begin to dig deep and uproot things that had been stuck beneath years of flesh and lies. More growth occurred in the few years following that time period than in the 20+ years prior to it.

Sadly, it was not until the past week that I realized there is still junk that has been trapped, and it took another 25 days of diligent obedience to allow God to loosen that stuff. It's been exciting to know that I am entering into another stage of growth and deliverance. It's also been hard to look in the spiritual mirror and to, once again, see the blemishes and wounds. I had forgotten how painful it can be to have to go through this time of healing. Luckily, what I do remember is how wonderful it feels to come through the mess and end up in the glory of God's purification and sanctification.

I'm not afraid of the challenge before me, but I am glad to have the support of my hubby and friends as the physcial arms of God's love to help me through.

So ladies...what about you?